Hale Ho'omalu Domestic Violence Program
Domestic Violence Shelter Services
Hale Ho'omalu (the House of Protection) is the only program on Moloka'i that provides a safe shelter for victims of domestic violence. On an annual basis, the Shelter provides an average of 800 bed days for women and children who have fled their homes due to violence.
Women come to the shelter in many way: with police escorts, hiding in a friends car, and sometimes even on foot with their children, running to escape a physically abusive partner. Once they reach the Shelter, they receive a safe place to sleep, meals, sounseling, and 24-hour protection under the watchful eyes of highly trained and experienced staff.
Temporary Restraining Order
Hale Ho'omalu helps victims obtain Temporary Restraining Orders (TRO's) against batterers. A staff advocate prepares the legal paperwork necessary to request a TRO and process the request through family court. If the TRO is granted, the advocate accompanies the victim to subsequent court hearings and helps the client with any additional court paperwork.
Alternatives to Violence
In order to reduce the incidence of domestic abuse, Hale Ho'omalu has also established intervention services for perpetrators through its Alternatives to Violence (ATV) program. ATV services court-ordered adults and juveniles with classes that enable them to recognize what kinds of events trigger violent reactions, and to develop non-violent coping mechanisms in reaction to those triggers. Juveniles with anger management issues attend similar classes with other youth to learn the same lessons in a peer setting