MCSC is trusted as a can-do organization that has implemented many community-based projects since 1974.
In deciding which projects to undertake, MCSC asks the following questions:
1. Is the need that the project plans to meet important to the community?
2. How achievable are the project's goals?
3. Are adequate financial resources available to fund the project?
4. Do we have enough organizational capacity to implement the project?
5. How much social capital exists to assist the project?
6. Are there other partners who can join with us on the project?
In answering the question of need, we refer to the vision and goals of our island's community-based development plans. These include the strategic plan created for the island's 1998 federal Empowerment Zone application, and the Moloka'i Community Plan created pursuant to County law.
Simply put, if a community resident comes to us with a plan to fulfill a need that no one else is able to fulfill, MCSC will do its best to help. And our track record clearly shows that once a need is identified, we can turn dreams into reality.